The Voice Week: Day 2

Well what can I say things got a little more interesting today when it comes to preparation. I was able to assist in helping my boy Jay find a song and in deciding a back up for myself (Gravity by John Mayer) but the biggest issue is the last two mornings I have woke up and went to bed feeling sick with a sore throat. This is NOT a very good way to bring in the week before my HUGE audition. My nerves have shot through the roof and honestly I think that may be the reason for me feeling this sickness, stress and nerves do not make a very healthy combination. On top of that the weather change has killed my sinuses. I don’t know but trying to stay positive through all this is getting to be very difficult but its a good thing I have the support system I have behind me. The first rule of thumb is to not let distraction and doubt keep you from working hard to achieving the ultimate goal. So through day two my goals are: 1. Practice 2. Stay Positive 3. Take care of my voice and last but most important 4. Enjoy the opportunity I have been given and the days leading up to it. This will get easier so that’s what keeps me going each day.

~ by willstewart91 on March 14, 2012.

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